
This chapter describes the AXIS namespace when executing custom scripts in a scenario or custom methods in ATOM.

In the namespace, there are a python module imported by default, an AXIS built-in function, an atom module, a model module, and a context containing plug-in modules and functions.


python module imported by default into the namespace is as follows:

asyncio datetime ipaddress json re sqlalchemy statistics time traceback urllib uuid xmltodict yaml

When a developer installs additional modules by pip etc., the default import is performed by importing directly in the script or specifying module names separated by commas in --python_default_imports in the startup parameter of AXIS.



category name type description
Basic Error class Exception class. It is strongly recommended to use this class when throwing an exception.
HTTPError class Exception class. It may become unusable in future releases due to deprecation.
options module Module used to reference startup parameters.
logger object Logger object.
context object Object with accessor to plug-in module or function.
API callout function API call function.
status_poll function API polling function. It can be used to monitor state transitions.
queryjoin function Function to convert dictionary type to query string and generate URL.
asyncIO multi function Function to wait for multiple coroutines. Same behavior as asyncio.gather.
Awaitable function Function to co-routineize synchronous blocking call. It is recommended to use this function for co-routineization.
futureization function Function to co-routineize synchronous blocking call. It may be discontinued in the future because of deprecation.
add_timeout function Function to delay function execution.
Schedule regist_booking function Reservation registration function to schedule service.
cancel_booking function Reservation cancellation function to schedule service.
modify_booking function Reservation modification function to schedule service.
retrieve_booking function Reservation search function from schedule service.
Transaction get_transactions function Function to retrieve transaction from transaction service.
transaction_active_check function Function to check if the specified transaction is still running.
Lambda lambda_event function Function that raises lambda event.
lambda_terminate function Function to wait for completion of lambda event and get the result.
lambda_bulk_terminate function Function to wait for completion of multiple lambda events and get list result in list.
Scenario Scenario.load function Function to get scenario and return in execution format.
Daemon.load function Function to get daemon and return in execution format.
Scenario.run function Function to run the specified scenario.
Daemon.run function Function to run the specified daemon.
get_service_config function A function to get the config with the specified name defined in the Config service.
rendering function A function to get the rendering result of the template service to the specified template.
task function Function to issue task
RDBMS model module For object mapping of the table created from modelschema and ATOM and DB connection creation Context Manager is included in the package.
and_ function AND conditional expression function (see SQL Alchemy)
or_ function OR conditional expression function (see SQL Alchemy)
not_ function NOT conditional expression function (see SQL Alchemy)
select function SELECT expression function (see SQL Alchemy)
join function JOIN expression function (see SQL Alchemy)
where_statement function Function to generate WHERE statement
rowtodict function Function to convert row fetched from database to dict of python
SQL.run function Query function
GraphDB neo4j function Function to get session to Neo4j
nodetodict function Function to convert node fetched from graph database to dict of python
Redis Redis class Context manager for manipulating redis. Use by plug-in developers is deprecated.
pubsub function Publish Function to notify. Use by plug-in developers is deprecated.
ATOM deserialize function Function to restore JSON string to ATOM instance.
drop_class function Function to delete ATOM class. Use by plug-in developers is deprecated.
clear_redis_pool function Function to clean the redis connection pool. Use by plug-in developers is deprecated.
XML dict2xml function Function to convert a dictionary object to an XML string.
ElementTree class Accessor to ElementTree class of xml library.
gRPC gRPC function Function to get the gRPC client.
Parse function Protocol buffer parser.
MessageToJson function Function to convert gRPC response to json string.
SNMP SNMPv2 class SNMPv2 client
SNMPv3 class SNMPv3 client
Cluster raft object An object to access cluster information in Raft cluster mode.
Utilities magic function A function that returns dict with the key filter and key name conversion rule specified fordict.
MU class It is Mutable Universal object. See the chapter on Datamodel.
Frozen class It is a class that makes dict a frozen object. This class is deprecated, please use MU.
clock object Utility object used for time processing.
ipam object Accessor object to IPAM service.
scp function Secure Copy function.
slack function Function to send a message to slack. You need to set the startup parameters appropriately.
genkey function Password generation function.
encrypt function Encryption function.
decrypt function Decryption function.
flattening function Function that converts a multi-level key dict object into a one-level dict object. The second and subsequent layers are stringified.

Interactive shell

Interactive Shell is a feature that allows plug-in developers to try out the scripting of AXIS like REPL. The interactive shell works with the AXIS script execution namespace, so you can write and test code snipet with the above built-in and plug-ins.

Let's use some built-in functions in the interactive shell.

Example of using queryjoin

>>> print(queryjoin("/hoges", status=["active", "processing"], name="test"))↵
... ↵

Example of using multi

>>> responses = await multi([callout(url="http://yahoo.co.jp") for i in range(10)])↵
... print([i.code for i in responses])↵
... ↵
[200, 200, 200, 200, 200, 200, 200, 200, 200, 200]↵

Example of using Awaitable

>>> print(clock.now())↵
... await Awaitable(time.sleep, 3)↵
... print(clock.now())↵
... ↵
2019-04-24 11:11:39.392098+09:00↵
2019-04-24 11:11:42.395468+09:00↵

Example of using genkey

>>> print(genkey())↵
... ↵
>>> print(genkey(length=10, continuity=2))↵
... ↵

Supported SQL execution from v19.11R1

...Connecting To : Scenario Master(↵
AXIS Wild Side v19.11R1 [core-dev-py37(]
Type "copyright", "help", "commands", "tree"
>>> a = atom.Aaa(name="hoge1", b=atom.Bbb(name="hoge2"))↵
... await a.save()↵
... ↵
... select * from Aaa;↵
| instance | xid | xname | name | b | status |
>>> update Aaa set name="hoge123" where name="hoge1";↵
>>> select * from Aaa;↵
| instance | xid | xname | name | b | status |
>>> a = await atom.Aaa.load("QWFhOjUzZWI0MjYwMDAzMjExZWE4MGIxMDAwYzI5ZGQ4MjUw")↵
... print(a.name)↵
... ↵
>>> desc Aaa;↵
| Field | Type | Null | Key | Default | Extra |
instance varchar(255) NO PRI NULL 
xid varchar(255) YES  NULL 
xname varchar(255) YES  NULL 
name varchar(255) YES UNI NULL 
b mediumtext YES  NULL 
status varchar(255) YES  NULL ↵

Example of using SNMPv2

...Connecting To :
Qmonus-SDK v20.7LTS-patch20201015 [UG30-hash-dev.usen.ad.jp(]
Type "copyright", "help", "commands", "tree"
>>> snmp = SNMPv2("public")↵
... r = await snmp.get("", oid="")↵
... print(MU(r).yaml_format)↵
... ↵
errorIndex: null
errorIndication: null
errorStatus: null
errorVarBind: null
objectType: DisplayString
value: csr1000v.ftth.ucom.ne.jp
>>> r = await snmp.bulk("", oids=[""])↵
... for i in r:↵
...     print(MU(i).yaml_format)↵
... ↵
errorIndex: null
errorIndication: null
errorStatus: null
errorVarBind: null
type: DisplayString
value: "Cisco IOS Software, CSR1000V Software (X86_64_LINUX_IOSD-UNIVERSALK9-M), Version\
  \ 15.5(2)S, RELEASE SOFTWARE (fc3)\r\nTechnical Support: http://www.cisco.com/techsupport\r\
  \nCopyright (c) 1986-2015 by Cisco Systems, Inc.\r\nCompiled Sun 22-Mar-15 01:36\
  \ by mcpre"
errorIndex: null
errorIndication: null
errorStatus: null
errorVarBind: null
type: ObjectIdentity
value: SNMPv2-SMI::enterprises.9.1.1537
>>> r = await snmp.getInterfaces("")↵
>>> for i in r:↵
...    print(i)↵
... ↵
{'index': '1', 'description': 'GigabitEthernet1'}
{'index': '2', 'description': 'GigabitEthernet2'}
{'index': '3', 'description': 'GigabitEthernet3'}
{'index': '4', 'description': 'VoIP-Null0'}
{'index': '5', 'description': 'Null0'}

HTTP functions


API calls use the callout built-in function. The main arguments are as follows:

argument default description
url None When specified, send directly from the scenario server to the specified URL (APIGW does not pass)
endpoint None Send to specified endpoint. It is invalid when URL is specified.
path None Specifies the HTTP request path.
method None Specifies the HTTP request method. Default is GET.(POST|PUT|DELETE|GET|PATCH)
body None Specifies the HTTP request body.(str|list|dict types)
static_route None Set the value in X-Xaas-Static-Routing of the request header.
connect_timeout None Specifies the HTTP connect timeout. The default is the startup parameter --callout_connect_timeout.
request_timeout None Specifies the HTTP request timeout. The default is the startup parameter --callout_request_timeout.
retry_interval None Specify retry interval when HTTP error code specified in retry_codes is received.
retry_count None Specify retry count when HTTP error code specified in retry_codes is received.
retry_codes None Specifies the HTTP error code to be retried.
authentication None Specifies authentication options.
lambda_termination None Specifies whether to wait for the end of the lambda event and return the result in the case of the lambda proxy API call.
validate_cert None For HTTPS requests, validate the server’s certificate? Default is True.
ca_certs None Filename of CA certificates in PEM format, or None to use defaults.
client_key None Filename for client SSL key, if any.
client_cert None Filename for client SSL certificate, if any.

Example of use

Direct communication from scenario server to endpoint

response = await callout(url="https://www.yahoo.co.jp")

Communication via APIGW

response = await callout(path="/v2.0/tenants")

BASIC certification

response = await callout(path="/example/basicAuthentications",

DIGEST certification

response = await callout(path="/example/digestAuthentications",

Keystone certification

response = await callout(path="/v2.0/tenants",

AWS-HMAC-V4 certification

response = await callout(url="directconnect.ap-northeast-1.amazonaws.com",


Naturally, developers can also describe the authentication process without using the authentication option. If you use the authentication option, AXIS will cache and reuse the credentials. At expire time, it will be recaptured and re-cached automatically.

Retry in case of exclusive error (409 Conflict) and communication disconnection (599)

response = await callout(path="/v2.0/tenants",
                         body=dict(name="Sample tenant"),
                         retry_codes=[409, 599])


In resource control with REST-API, there are many cases of status polling. The status_poll built-in function can write status polling simply.

argument default description
url None When specified, send directly from the scenario server to the specified URL (APIGW does not pass)
endpoint None Send to specified endpoint. It is invalid when URL is specified.
path None Specifies the HTTP request path.
method None Specifies the HTTP request method. Default is GET.(POST|PUT|DELETE|GET|PATCH)
body None Specifies the HTTP request body.(str|list|dict types)
connect_timeout None Specifies the HTTP connect timeout. The default is the startup parameter --callout_connect_timeout.
request_timeout None Specifies the HTTP request timeout. The default is the startup parameter --callout_request_timeout.
retry_interval None Specify retry interval
retry_count None Specify retry count
authentication None Specifies authentication options.
xid None Transactions can be aborted during state polling. If you specify xid, transaction confirmation is performed at polling time, and abort will stop it.
status_key None Key name to monitor as status attribute
expected_status [] Expected state value candidate. If it matches, it will return a tuple of True and the response object.
unexpected_status [] Not expected state value candidate. If it matches, it will return a tuple of False and the response object.
break_codes [] HTTP response code candidate leaving status polling. If it matches, it will return a tuple of True and the response object.
break_schemas [] HTTP body schema candidate leaving status polling. If it matches, it will return a tuple of True and the response object.
fault_codes [] Failure judgment HTTP response code candidate. If it matches, it will return a tuple of False and the response object.
countdown_hook None Specify a function to hook status polling.

Example of use

result, response = await status_poll(path="/v2.0/networks/72a1b7a667e011e993ac000c29dd8250",


Persistence tables automatically generated by modelschema or ATOM are ORM by SQLAlchemy and dynamically incorporated under the model module. A function for nonblocking execution of the connection to the database is also provided in the model module.

The RDBMS supported by AXIS are MySQL, PostgreSQL and SQLite3. The built-in functions and module used to operate the database are as follows:

name type description
model module For object mapping of the table created from modelschema and ATOM and DB connection creation Context Manager is included in the package.
and_ function AND conditional expression function (see SQL Alchemy)
or_ function OR conditional expression function (see SQL Alchemy)
not_ function NOT conditional expression function (see SQL Alchemy)
select function SELECT expression function (see SQL Alchemy)
join function JOIN expression function (see SQL Alchemy)
where_statement function Function to generate WHERE statement
rowtodict function Function to convert row fetched from database to dict of python
SQL function Query function
neo4j function Function to get session to Neo4j
nodetodict function Function to convert node fetched from graph database to dict of python

Database connections should use the async with syntax as follows:

async with model.aiodb() as conn:
    # Inside async with you can build and execute SQL freely with the syntax of SQLAlchemy.
    cursor = await conn.execute(model.employee.select())
    employees = await cursor.fetchall()

Database transaction is as follows:

async with model.aiodb() as conn:
    async with conn.begin() as tran:
        cursor = await conn.execute(model.employee.select().where(model.employee.c.status=="retired"))
        employees = await cursor.fetchall()
        [await conn.execute(model.employee.delete().where(model.employee.c.id==i.id)) for i in employees]

Alternatively you can use the SQL built-in function

# SQLAlchemy
employees = await SQL(model.employee.select())

# Raw SQL statement
employees = await SQL("SELECT * FROM employee;")

# When using SQL function in transaction scope
async with model.aiodb() as conn:
    async with conn.begin() as tran:
        employees = await SQL(model.employee.select(), conn=conn)

How to use where_statement

employees = await SQL(model.employee.select().where(model.employee.where_statement({"status": "retired"})))

How to use neo4j and nodetodict

>>> with neo4j() as sess:↵
...     r = sess.run("MATCH (n)\nRETURN n")↵
...     for i in r:↵
...         print(nodetodict(i))↵
... ↵
{'name': 'top1', 'instance': 'VG9wOjhlMzg4OWM0N2I3NTExZTliMDBhMDAwYzI5ZGQ4MjUw', 'age': 10, 'status': True}↵